


海岸与近海工程 高威大学-直接注册计划 2025春季学期工程 & 计算机科学 - Galway

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CEA CAPA合作机构: 高威大学
Location: 高威,爱尔兰
主要科目范围: 土木工程
指令: English
课程代码: CE462
记录来源: 合作伙伴机构
课程详细信息: Level 400
推荐学分: 2.5
联系时间: 36


1. Solve the nonlinear dispersion equation for wavelength using either tables or Excel; calculate water particle velocities and accelerations (needed later for evaluating forces on piles and frames).
2. 计算由波浪引起的动压,以便间接计算浪高. Derive the equation H=KR KSH0 describing shoaling and 折射; calculate the wave height in shallow water for various deep-water incident heights and angles (shoaling, 折射, 和断裂).
3. Plan a port facility taking into account the following: determining the best location of the harbour; land requirements for port development; size and shape of harbour and turning basin; type, location, and height of breakwaters; location and width of entrance to the harbour; and depth of harbour and approach channel. 认识并描述处理一般货物的海运码头, 散装货, and containers; evaluate the wave forces on a seawall due to breaking- or non-breaking waves; design a breakwater.
4. Describe and illustrate the longshore and rip currents and setup/setdown in the coastal zone caused by breaking waves; use the sediment budget in a coastal cell to decide whether erosion or accretion of shoreline is probable; use correlations involving hinterland area and effective precipitation to evaluate the amount of sediment carried by a river into the cell; calculate the longshore transport of sediment from incident wave conditions; Design a coastal defence scheme using beach nourishment; compare native sand with borrowed sand to determine overfill and frequency of renourishment; design a groyne field for protecting beaches.
5. Derive tidal equations for estuaries with and without friction; calculate tidal ranges and velocities at different points along the estuary; Derive Darwin?s equilibrium model of global tides taking the lunar and solar contributions into account; calculate and plot the tidal variation over a 24-hour period for various declinations of the moon and for various latitudes, 显示日, 半日, and mixed tides; explain the harmonic analysis of the tides; explain a tide predicting machine.
6. 描述浮体(涌动)的三维运动, swaying, heaving, rolling, pitching, 和偏航)如驳船, cylinders, ships, and tension leg platforms; explain and use the six equilibrium equations for a floating body.
7. Display the shape of a mooring line connecting a floating body to an anchor; design a complete mooring system, 包括浮体上的环境力, 系泊链的链环尺寸, 系泊链单位长度的重量, the required length of mooring chain subject to various constraints; specify constraints such as the angle between the seabed and the mooring chain at the anchor, 锚与浮体之间的最大平面距离. 设计一艘靠泊船的护舷系统和靠泊海豚. 解释,制定和计算系泊浮体的非线性动力学使用摄动.
8. Explain, 通过使用莫里森公式来制定和计算构件截面上的内线力?s方程以及适合于该截面的Cd和Cm值, 并通过适当的升力系数来施加横向力.
9. 预测特定风况下的重要浪高和周期,例如fetch, duration, 风速, and decay distance; formulate the wave spectrum corresponding to particular wind conditions; calculate the temporal wave series corresponding to a particular spectrum; waves as a random process.
10. Describe and illustrate the nine or so basic wave energy conversion techniques; define the basic and advanced electromechanical energy conversion techniques.
11. 解释联合国海洋法并将其应用于爱尔兰?南大陆架. 在地球上解释,制定和计算?这是《宝博体育》规定的典范


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